It seems that word about our forthcoming performance of Sunshine on Leith gets around. Check out Amateur Stage Magazine - they've got us on their website at You'll need to scroll down to see it.
Friday, 20 December 2013
Sunday, 8 December 2013
We're rich(er)...
To that end, towards the end of November Ad-Lib Theatre Arts ran held a pub quiz at the Abbotsford in Perth. There was singing, dancing, drinking and quizzing. There were prizes too:
First place prize was 4 tickets to Sunshine on Leith
Second place prize was 4 bottles of wine
Last place prize was 4 giant tubes of Smarties!
There was also a raffle.
As a result of all the activity on the night the amazing sum of £723 was raised. Wow!!
Of course, it wouldn't have worked without a lot of help. So thanks go to the following:
- Chic and the staff at The Abbotsford
- Scott Reeves, Kelly, Alice & Tom, Kyle, Rachel, Sharon and Gill for entertaining us with music and song (not forgetting Pat and her tambourine)
- Vicky Glennie for organising the event
- Gill, Alice, Sharon and Steven for helping out on the night
Finally a HUGE thank you to everyone who donated raffle prizes and who took part in the quiz. Everyone had a fantastic evening.
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Remember those childhood days?
You played outside, you played inside. Outside it was football, hide-and-seek, tag, etc. Inside your games were more limited, normally board games. But once in a while you'd play a physical game...and no, we're not going down the route of The Crystal Maze here. When you were young you might've enjoyed a good game of Sardines. Oh, how those days have come back and mugged the cast of Sunshine on Leith without warning.
On St Andrew's Day 2013 the cast got an invite to perform at one of the local hostelries, Greyfriars. Now, anyone in Perth will know of Greyfriars. Anyone who's walked past will also know how big the place is...or small, as the case might be. It's usually fairly packed on a Saturday, but on St Andrew's Day it was jammed-packed like a tin of sardines for a ticket-only event. And that event was the cast of Sunshine on band!! So that's six singers plus bass, 2 guitars, keyboard and perchance a drum, all squeezed into a tiny corner.
Needless to say the performance went down a storm. There was even dancing on the tables!! Although bass guitar having to be played almost vertical certainly was a sight - sorry Thom.
There will be more ad-hoc sessions in the lead-up to to our performances, so keep your eyes open.
Sunday, 1 December 2013
You dancin'?
"Ye askin'?"
"Ah'm askin'..." to come on a date. And that date is 29th January 2014. The time is 7:30pm and the place is the Goodlyburn Theatre at Perth College UHI.
Ad-Lib Theatre Arts will perform Sunshine on Leith: The Musical over four evenings, starting on 29th January 2014 through to 1st February 2014.
We hope that as many of you as possible will be able to make the journey to the Fair City of Perth to see these special performances, the first such by an amateur cast in the UK.
Tickets are £8 for 16 years old and under, and £10 for over 16s.