Thursday, 17 October 2013

It could get a bit rough...

Sunday...Sunday was fun, fantastic and a big boost to all the guys taking part.

As I said in the previous post Sunday is the day that we do all the scenes, the non-company rehearsals. In all honesty I was coming to this day with some trepidation. Looking back on it I have to ask myself "Why," 'cos it wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be. Great support from all the other guys. We actually managed to nail the entire scene in less than two hours. How? Well, 'cos it was just us guys getting on with the job-in-hand. It's like shopping - guys know what they want, go in, get it and leave. No distractions. Now, what's the military parlance - run for cover?! :-D

Not without a few alterations. Our esteemed director said she wanted it a bit rougher, the singing at the start that is, more broad Scottish. So we all grabbed our sticks (broom handles, aka guns) and made with the roughness. Hey, whaddya know - it worked. And even the harmonies came easily this time.

Then it was time for the shouting...well, someone's gotta play Sarge and give the commands. Yours truly's in that role. Shouting - yeah, I'm good at that. But MIL-spec / drill sergeant shouting? Hmm - needs work methinks. But there's only 5-6 phrases I have to deliver so it's not too onerous in the brain department. Guess I'll have to research my role - "It ain't Half Hot Mum" and "Full Metal Jacket" come to mind. Any other suggestions?

Oh - one more thing: rucked boxers!! You know who you are!

Sky takes the Soul

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